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Integrated Science Program

About the Program


How We're Unique

Recent ISP Figure Skating Event

The Integrated Science Program is a major and  a community. Since 1976, some of the brightest science students have been part of the Integrated Science Program (ISP) and undertaken a challenging, customized advanced curriculum that integrates mathematics with the sciences. We believe the most effective way to prepare for a career in one science is to be immersed in all of them. 

                                                                                                                                                                  Learn More

Alumni Profiles

ISP Graduates during convocation

Life After ISP

Our diverse group of alumni includes university faculty, lawyers, doctors, CEOs, and teachers. Many of our students have won prestigious national and international scholarships or fellowships such as the Churchill, Gates, Goldwater, and Fulbright to further their studies both here and abroad.

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News and Events




ISP students are involved in a full spectrum of scientific research at Northwestern. Students in ISP are often able to find a lab or research group at an earlier stage in their undergraduate career than their non-ISP peers.

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