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You may be certain which science you want to pursue yet need interdisciplinary training to make the most of your abilities and interests. Alternatively, you may not yet be sure which science really interests you. ISP introduces you to the options you may never have considered and lets you fully explore them before you specialize. However, ISP does more than just keep your options open. The curriculum has been carefully designed to lay a firm foundation for a career in whatever scientific field you ultimately choose. The program progresses in a coordinated, logical sequence, each course building on the previous and preparing you for the next. Our classes aren't "intro" or "survey" courses; they are full-scale investigations, covering more material in more depth than do regular courses. One reason these courses do so much so well is that they integrate mathematics and science. Scientific concepts and the mathematical principles needed to grasp them are presented together, a method that reinforces and consolidates learning.

When you do decide to focus on one particular science, the ISP curriculum will have given you an advantage no single-science curriculum could. ISP will teach you how to think broadly, organize information, and tackle problem solving with an interdisciplinary approach.