Student Spotlight
Meet some of our outstanding ISP Students!
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Linda Li (she/her)
Linda is a senior majoring in Integrated Science and Materials Science and Engineering. She has been with the Hersam group for three years, studying electronic materials and devices for neuromorphic computing applications. She is currently on Refresh Dance Team and Materials Science Club, and has previously dabbled in NUSTARS, Formula, and Steam Heat Dance Company. In her free time she enjoys running, lifting, and figure skating. Above all, her greatest passion is finding free food on campus. After graduation, she will be moving to California as a Manufacturing Design Engineer.
Drew Alvarez (he/him)
Drew is a Junior studying Integrated Science, Physics, and Applied Math. He has done research in theoretical chemistry with the Gingrich Group where he studied simulations of coupled molecular motors and is currently studying tensor network applications to the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method in statistical mechanics. In his free time, Drew enjoys reading, writing, and playing poker. He is also active in the NU Esports Club.
Victor Jia (he/him)
Victor is a sophomore majoring in Integrated Science and Chemistry. He is currently conducting research in the Richard's Lab, a lab studying rheology and colloidal nanoparticles. More specifically, Victor is attempting to synthesize polymers adsorbed on inorganic nanoparticles for electronic applications. In the future, he aims to pursue a PhD in Chemistry. Outside of academics, Victor enjoys playing music and has played in the Philharmonia Orchestra for several quarters. He also loves partying, cooking, and dancing.
Mingyuan Wang (he/him)
Ming is a sophomore studying Integrated Science, Computer Science, and the Kellogg Financial Economics Certificate. He has simulated the Strong Disorder Renormalization Group algorithm on the 3D Ising Model on Quest at the Kovacs lab. He also tested the cryogenic performance of metallic lunar storage inflatables for the NUSTARS METALS team and presented the results to NASA to win the Artemis Award at the NASA BIG Idea Challenge. Ming also serves as the Willard Academic Chair, enjoys outings with the NU Outdoors Club, and learning new dishes at Cookology. He is currently exploring career paths that will allow him to contribute to groundbreaking new technologies.
Isabella Brady-Peters (she/her)
Isabella is a freshman studying Integrated Science and Chemistry. She currently has plans to be involved in a research group exploring soft-matter physics and fluid dynamics. Alongside her academic pursuits, Isabella is a ballet dancer and recently became a member of Ballet Chicago's Studio Company. She has also performed lead roles in Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, and Cinderella. In her free time, she enjoys reading literary fiction, listening to music, and spending time with friends.